Awesome family picture above taken by super friend and super photographer, Ginger Sumerlin.

Monday, October 22, 2012

I don't want to forget...

How the Baby (JSH) mispronounces his sister's name and calls her Banana.  And how after we pray at night as a family he says, "AMEN! Everybody pee!!!"

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Not so good at blogging...

Life is happening.  I really have not taken the time to stop and update here.  I put a random picture or happening on Facebook and that's it.  I'm 23 weeks (and 4 days...but who's counting?) pregnant.  That has been going well.  We are still undecided about whether or not we will have our 6th home birth or our first hospital birth.  Obviously, we are hoping for the birth at home since it is what we are familiar with but we are not wanting to be foolish either.  I have not posted weekly pictures even though I said I would because I took one and I looked awful and never tried again...

The thing that keeps me from being writing much is our current life-circumstances.  I could just sit here and fill a page or three on all the stress that is going on in our lives but for now I will leave it that my husband is still very ill and has not been able to work consistently for much of this year.  This makes for tense times and for a very emotional pregnant lady.  We are often down to our last dollar and that is a very scary place to be.   Also, my husband's illness does not seem to be improving much which is also scary and confusing and such.  He's currently on a dairy free, gluten free, sugar free, red meat free, just about everything else free diet with little to no relief from his spastic colon (IBS) symptoms.

However, I promise not to make this blog a gloom and doom blog about all the bad things going on in our life.  I want to return to adding memories of our day-to-day life.  (Speaking of which, I need to finish and post the birthday post of my newly minted 4 year old).  I do want to give some highlights though of some crazy, wonderful ways that God has supplied our needs.

  • As the seasons turned and I realized what my 2 biggest kids needed in their respective larger sizes (a lot), 2 separate families sent clothes home from church and supplied their needs almost entirely (oldest boy still needs a coat but it won't get cold enough for that here too soon).
  • 4 separate families gave us monetary gifts that have been most needed
  • A friend has supplied us with free eggs as she is able.
  • My Mom and Dad got us a boat load of diapers from Sam's a couple weeks ago that should last us for a few months.
  • Chris wanted a decaf coffee from the local coffee shop last week.  We have been patronizing this shop since it opened more than 7 years ago.  When I went in, having not seen us in a while, he asked about how we were and I was honest because we know him so well.  He sent me home with 2 bags of fruit (he had just discontinued the fruit cup on his menu) and some decaf coffee beans. 
  • Just today, I left chapel with 4 bags of canned food from a kind older man who was "cleaning out his pantry".
I'm probably leaving some things out; there have been so many acts of kindness like this to us.  They are such wonderful beams of light that God has given us in this otherwise dark time.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

TJH Turns 9!

The day he was baptized.

Always so serious.

He's always loved the new kids.

Everything REH knows, he learned from watching T.
Nine years ago today, my oldest son was about to make his appearance.  We are so thankful for this child that first made us parents.  

9 little things about Thomas:

1. He is a great leader. 

2. He is creative. Since he was little he could spend hours drawing or building.
3. He loves to read.

4. His best friend's name is Noah (he insists I put that). 
5. His favorite subject in school is math, but he won't admit that yet.
6. He enjoys Star Trek, just like his Daddy.
7. From BKH, 3: "He sometimes lets me do Legos with him." (lol)
8. From REH, 7: "My favorite part of him is that he plays with me and he is my brother."
9. From SEH, 5: "I like to eat beside him and play with him." 



Trying to help me get a family picture a week or two before JSH is born.

Can't do a birthday post without the special horsey. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

I was right!

The doctor was able to see and hear a good healthy heart beat from our little one today!  AND for the first time in my "career" of being pregnant the EDD that I had was the same one that the doctor got with ultrasound measurements.  I'm going to have to do some special tests and such  due to my blood pressure history however for now he wants me to stop taking my BP meds.  My blood pressure was actually very low today and he thinks that I do not need the meds until later.  He wants me to stop the drug before I do blood work and such to get a baseline on various things.  I am kind of relieved that my blood pressure was so low as that possibly explains why I have been so very exhausted this time around.  Maybe I will have some energy again soon!  I do plan on taking weekly prego pics to post on this blog primarily for the fun of doing it for the first time.  

Baby's picture:
EDD 2/05/13 (Which is also my little brother's birthday and, I found out today, the doctor's birthday).

(The EDD here is 2/3 but the doctor thought that it was incorrect and put the 5th in my chart FYI)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Baby Doctor

Tomorrow, I go to the OB for the first time for this baby.  I have been pretty quiet on here lately because my pregnancy and Chris' illness are really all that has been going on.  I have been so sick though I am improving.  Chris has been so sick but we think that he is improving too.  I have hesitated to write too much about it as well until I know that the baby is OK.  I really didn't realize how nervous I was about tomorrow's appointment until it has gotten closer.  I have been so excited to find out my actual due date (since I know my estimate of 020513 is going to be way off--I always am).  However, now I am realizing how scared I am to watch the screen during the ultrasound.  I did not expect to be this scared.  

  Anyway, after tomorrow I plan to blog a little about the pregnancy.  I've never taken weekly or regular pictures of myself in a pregnancy.  I figure the 6th time is a good time to start.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012


The blackberries in our field produced this year; the boys and I went and picked some.  Yes, even the baby picked but all his went in his mouth.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Remember that old America's Funniest Home Videos where Bob Saget does a voice over for a dog pushing a rock?

 "Pushing a rock pushing a rock pushing a rock
 pushing a rock pushing a rock pushing a rock 
pushing a rock pushing a rock, 
turning around,
pushing a rock pushing a rock..."  

Well, I am currently living that but my voice over is:

"Don't puke don't puke don't puke don't puke don't puke don't puke don't puke don't puke..."

I am so thankful that I am pregnant but MAN do I feel yucky.  Morning sickness is kind of like labor.  If you remembered how bad it can be you might not sign up for the whole process multiple times.  Good thing pregnancy takes your memory with it...